These rules are to be read in conjunction with the club constitution and relevant codes of conduct . They are aimed at giving more guidance on how the club is run and the standards expected.
1. A full list of all Executive Committee Members shall be displayed in the clubhouse at all times complete with telephone numbers and email addresses.
Reason : so all members are aware of how and who to contact
2. If an Elected post is not filled by a nominated person at the Annual General meeting, the General committee can second a volunteer to assume the post by a majority vote at a General Committee meeting.
Reason: to ensure the club can continue to function
3. All players or parents have a right to representation at all meetings and can either write to the Secretary, or seek permission to attend a meeting from an annually elected officer, or request a member of the General Committee to raise a specific point.
Reason : to ensure individual rights of access.
4. All Coaches (including Assistants) to hold the relevant minimum qualification for the age group they are coaching. A Coach can be appointed before acquiring the qualification provided they have applied and been accepted for a relevant course.
Reason : to ensure the minimum level of coaching standards required for insurance purposes.
5. All Coaches, Managers, First-aiders, Gameday Managers and volunteers to be DBS checked. At no time should any adult who does not hold a valid DBS be alone with any junior or youth teams in the changing rooms without another adult being present.
Reason: to ensure the safety of children.
6. The first established team at each age group shall be known as Raiders. If the Club establish a further team at the same age group, this team will be known as Vikings.
Reason : to ensure equality of players and identity with the club.
7. All players to have paid their club registration fees by 28th February each year or they will become ineligible to represent the club on or after that date.
Reason : to ensure payment of registration fees.
8. All players up to and including the Under 11 age group to have a parent or adult responsible for their welfare present at the club during all training sessions.
Reason : to ensure that Coaches are not placed in an improper position with regard to a child’s welfare.
9. All players to become members of the Sports and Social Club. In the case of Junior & Youth players (up to and including Under 18s) the membership covers the immediate family and as such only one membership fee is due if 2 or more junior/youth players are registered in the same family.
Reason : to abide by Licensing Laws, Sports and Social Club Rules and to ensure family involvement in Club activities.
10. All children under 11 years old to be accompanied by an adult, who is responsible for their behaviour, whilst in the Social Club bar.
Reason : to ensure supervision of children.
11. All players to have washed or showered and changed dirty clothing after training and matches before entering the Social Club.
Reason : to ensure Social club is kept clean and tidy.
12. No rugby boots or dirty footwear to be worn in the Social Club.
Reason : to limit damage to the Clubhouse finishes.
13. No team kit bags or equipment to be brought into the Social Club.
Reason : to ensure safety in the clubhouse.
14. Teams are responsible for ensuring the changing rooms used, including the one used by their opposition, are left clean and tidy. In the event of a team finding the changing room in a poor state of cleanliness they must report the matter immediately to an Executive Committee member.
Reason: to ensure the changing rooms remain clean and fit for purpose
15. Fundraising for the Club as a whole to take priority over all other fundraising.
Reason : to ensure sufficient funds are raised to run the club
16. All players to be encouraged to take part in fundraising activities arranged by the Club
Reason : to ensure that fundraising is shared across all teams.
17. All teams to be encouraged to hold their annual end of season/awards evenings at the Club
Reason : to ensure financial support for the Club.
18. All requests for fundraising events to be via the Secretary and no request must be made direct to any outside body without prior approval of the Executive Committee
Reason : to ensure that fundraising is within the law, events do not clash and we present a professional image to outside bodies.
19. Each team to be responsible for its own every day running costs, by arranging collections, fundraising, raffles or donations.
Reason: to ensure sufficient funds are raised to pay for the teams running costs
20. All teams to wear the same style playing kit approved by the Executive Committee. Leisurewear is to be approved by the Executive Committee before ordering. The Club Name and Logo are the property of the Club and must not be used by any team or member without prior approval of the Executive Committee
Reason : to ensure integrity of Club identity .
21. Sufficient funds are to be paid into the Club account before any order for playing kit, leisurewear or equipment can be placed in the club or team name. Where a playing kit is no longer required by a team we would encourage teams to make this kit available to another team who may be able to benefit from its further use. A small monetary consideration can be paid by the receiving team to the donating team, to be mutually agreed between the two.
Reason : To safeguard Club finance and reduce waste/encourage environmental sustainability
22. All Junior players Under the age of 15 are to report to and be collected from the Coaching Staff by a responsible adult for all training sessions and matches. Coaches must not leave players under the age of 15 without supervision.
Reason : to ensure coaches are aware of any players arriving into and leaving their responsibility.
23. The Club will not tolerate any form of abuse of Match Officials, Coaches or other volunteers (including physical, verbal, racial, etc.), or other anti-social behaviour from any member. Any persons reported could be expelled from the Club.
Reason : to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all members and visitors, and to guarantee the good reputation of the Club.
24. A copy of these Rules is to be issued to each team registered and kept on permanent display in the Clubhouse. A copy will also be available on the club website.
Reason : to ensure that all persons are aware of the rules.
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